Tuesday, April 5, 2016

American Dream

What the American Dream mean to me is having the freedom to decide for own path to success and having equal opportunity to make something out their self. There are a lot people who come to America because of the American Dream. Some countries does not offer the same opportunities as America. My American Dream is first and for most finish high school . Next i want to attend South Alabama and get my medical certification and my masters degree. After I finish school i want to go to culinary school so i can become a executive chef  and open up my restaurant. Last but never least I'm going to raise my son and help him find his American Dream and show him never to settle for nothing but the best in life  no matter how hard people knock you down . Just get back up and keep pushing to reach your dream.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Too me kindness is a action or a expression it is also a act of character . Someone who is kind tends to show a certain compassion for some one or something For example, helping someone with a task an/or project is a act of kindness.Kindness isn't always betrayed as a action kindness can be shown on person by the way they carry their self and betray their self. You should show kindness everywhere you go just by giving money to a hungry person is a act of kindness or saying hello to someone in a store is kind just because you may not know someone doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind because you never know they might be the boss at a job your applying for ;Or the principle at the college your trying to attending so you have to be careful on how u treat people. The nicest thing i have ever did ? Hmm.. thats not a short list but if I were to pick one thing i would say the nicest thing is when i gave a homeless lady my last $20 so she could get her kids something to eat. The thing that makes me feel warm and happy is when someone says thank you when i have done something for them . It shows me that what i do matters to them and they appreciate it. If i had a million dollars i would first invest some into my book i plan on writing soon called " The Bullet With-in''. Next i would make a program to help people who have been locked up get back on their feet again and get them jobs and apartments .Last i would make sure my son is well taking care of.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

About Me

Hi, My name is Meke'l Moffatt. I am in the 11th grade and attend Ben C Rain High School. I'm 16 years of age. I'm in Mr.Rease honors English class. Some of my hobbies include cooking, writing songs , sewing, and writing restuant reviews. I love having fun with my cousins . When I graduate I am hoping to attend Faulkner State where I will major Nursing. This is just a little about me and I am excite to read about my classmates.