Sunday, March 27, 2016


Too me kindness is a action or a expression it is also a act of character . Someone who is kind tends to show a certain compassion for some one or something For example, helping someone with a task an/or project is a act of kindness.Kindness isn't always betrayed as a action kindness can be shown on person by the way they carry their self and betray their self. You should show kindness everywhere you go just by giving money to a hungry person is a act of kindness or saying hello to someone in a store is kind just because you may not know someone doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind because you never know they might be the boss at a job your applying for ;Or the principle at the college your trying to attending so you have to be careful on how u treat people. The nicest thing i have ever did ? Hmm.. thats not a short list but if I were to pick one thing i would say the nicest thing is when i gave a homeless lady my last $20 so she could get her kids something to eat. The thing that makes me feel warm and happy is when someone says thank you when i have done something for them . It shows me that what i do matters to them and they appreciate it. If i had a million dollars i would first invest some into my book i plan on writing soon called " The Bullet With-in''. Next i would make a program to help people who have been locked up get back on their feet again and get them jobs and apartments .Last i would make sure my son is well taking care of.

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